
BOINC, projects, account managers, and the community

What is up? It seems like there is some major disconnect between what David, I, GridRepublic, BAM, WCG, and the…

18 years ago

BOINC Application Optimization: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Part II

Here is another little misconception:CPU Capability detection coming to a BOINC client near you soon BOINC does not use the…

18 years ago

BOINC Application Optimization: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Somebody pointed out a thread to me on E@H:http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/forum_thread.php?id=4480 I have to say that I'm a little shocked at some…

18 years ago

BOINC science applications and random crashes

So, as many of you probably already know, I’ve been brought onboard as a consultant with the Rosetta@Home project.  A big…

18 years ago